Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas Time

Let us be thankful first and foremost for the Ultimate Gift that God has given us, Many people are getting to hyped up on, Oh i have this or i am going to have to kill myself stand in line for hours and by this thing that will probably fall apart two months later, i have been sitting here the past for the past few days ya i am excited to see new stuff, but Seriously why are we forgetting the true meaning of CHRISTMAS, its in the word, CHRIST, its because of him we get to be able celebrate have family and gifts But while we are to concerned with the right sizes and its not what i wanted. Why don't we ask GOD what do you want for us? I want his will and his future not mine, Now don't miss my point here, Its just that there things and we can't take them to heaven, It says in the bible to not get caught up with the things of this world, For my world is not my home, My home is way beyond this. My home is eternity with my Father in Heaven. ya i love getting new things and seeing the joy on my sons face when he gets new things. Buts its just for awhile, I have been getting to caught up with the things and not the purpose, Jesus is the purpose its all because of him, So This CHRIST MAS let us just take a moment out of our day and just thank him and really let him in, That is another thing that gets me the songs they are being re written for it may offend someone, SOrry don't be blaming GOD for things Because he isn't at fault its those who don't want him to be a part of a family heritage passed down, from generation to generation, so if people get offended then thats them, but truly Its GODS gift to us, I am not going to be ashamed He is the reason i am alive and am able to do the things i do. you don't have to have a service at home, but just a lil apperciation for his love and salvation for us, He CHRIST went to the cross so we can be free. So Jesus thanks for all that you do, and for letting us be free and serve you freely and not get judged, or told not to, I will never stop! Love you Jesus, Merry Christmas Jesus, and Happy Birthday!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Awaken ME

Lord I want you to awaken me, I am tired of living this dull spiritual walk that i have been living, i want to have that fire and passion i once had, I want to be able to discern you and wake and read my bible I don't want to no longer be distracted, i am so tired and worn down, But its through your spirit Father that I can continue your work, I feel as though i am so distant from you, I don't like feeling like that, I feel as though your so far away, I know your near and you haven't left me, I know that you are there, I just want to have that overwhelming love and JOY and be humble, I am so sorry FATHER for grieving you, and for letting my flesh get in the way of what you have in store for me, I am sorry for not being obedient to you, I am sorry for letting my selfishness get in the way, i am sorry for letting the distractions of life stand in the way of your love and grace.

I want to be a better Women of GOD and faithful to you, I want to be able to stand up and not be afraid, I want to be able to tell myself that I am doing away with my flesh, and going forward to the awesome things you have in store for me.

I want to be a GODLY example, I want to be able to not only walk the walk, but i want to talk the talk, I want to show others that its because of you i am free. That i am a new creation in you, that where ever I go you are there, I know i have had this peace, I love it, I thank you for it. As i am raising a man of GOD i pray Father that i don't ever yell at him or get short tempered with him, i know he isn't going to be little for ever, but he just wants momma to spend time with him, So help me to do that with out having other things on my mind, help me to enjoy him and not want to get rid of him, I want him to know that His momma loves him, that his JEsus loves him enough, I just need to have that joy i had when we had him, Lord I know you chose me to be his mother, I thank you. Give me more patience. Father, O lover of my soul you are worthy and awesome, I love you more then any thing, i love that you love me, and that you would do anything and did by sending your son. Thank You for your undying love for me.I can't do this walk alone.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thanksgiving to my king

Lord as we approach the Holiday Season let us remember your awesome sons birth, that with out him we can not live, I am thankful for having his salvation, that when i feel like running i can run into his open arms, that he can be my rescue, Lord you have rescued me from myself, you have opened my eyes again, you have opened my heart once again, I can't help loving you everyday, i know there are days when i can't function, but GOD you stepped in and took over and I surrender it all to you, Its a GOD like you that knows exactly what i need and desire, and you have always met me there, My life is in your hands, i am glad i can be me and not have to change, I don't have to change myself, I can change inside out for you, but I don't have to pretend or even fake, I can be as real as I am now, You don't care as long as my heart is yours.

Every breath i breathe i breathe in you, and i thank you for every breath you give me, for the days i get to live, and do much better, its because of your Grace and Mercy that i can do the things i need to do every day, I just ask LORD that you just help me to be a better Mother and wife and if there is anything that needs to change I pray that you just show up and quicken my spirit, and that you just talk to me and in your quiet voice i will know that i need to fix something, God I pray for those that don't know you or those who do, that they may come to the realization that they need you more and more, and that they can welcome you in once more and let you take complete control and not do there battles on there own. Lord teach us to be more passionette for you, and to love you the way you are patiently waiting and loving us, Thank you for being a sweet and amazing GOD for not pushing us, but quickeneing our spirits. for helping us to understand who you truly and really are. thank you!

Thank you Lord for dales job and our van for providing every need and always going one step further ahead of us, and taking care of us, thank you for always knowing what we need before we ask, You truly are an amazing GOD, we love and appreciate you!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

He is Coming for a clean and spotless Bride

Lord i Don't want anything but to be ready for your return, I want my heart in the right place and I want to know that I am ready So Lord what ever it is i need to do please reveal it to me,

I want to be your chosen, I want to know you and i want nothing more then an awesome relationship with you, I want to go on a whole different level with you, I miss you, I miss your presence, I miss your love, I miss your arms wrapped around me, I want you to envelope me with your spirit, Father take me away with you where i can just get lost and not care what time of day it is, I just want to be surrounded by you.

Lord this world needs an ultimate revival and your holy fire come down, God I want to spread it, I want to see the whole world ignited on an all consuming Fire and it never die down, Lord i just want to stand in the middle and never escape it, I want to breathe it in, I want it to consume my heart and spirit, I want my whole core of my being to be set on fire and i don't ever want it to die down.

You are always there leading me and holding my hand, you have never left me, I am starting to lean and trust in you and I know that you are the one who holds everything together for my good, and you have always been there and your always holding me up... God where would i be with out you.. I am never afraid because I know you are always there, and i Know that you have always been around for me, You have an awesome destiny and purpose for my life, Where would I be with out you.. I trust and believe that things will work out for my good.. You are in control, I love to know that i don't have to worry because you are in control of my life, You are my guidance system, So God please just lead and guide me, and give me wisdom as i am on this awesome journey!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hiding Place

God you are my Hiding Place where can i go for shelter? you I can run under your arms and i can feel safe, I know you have me hidden for a purpose and you are pruning me and getting me set, Father, why must it hurt? Why Am I feeling like I am in a desert? its like I know you are there surrounding me, and you haven't left, I know that for sure, But i just feel like I am not me, WHY is that?

I need to seek you daily I know, I know I need to be decispled into what you want and I need to start sacrificing things to put you first, JESUS, I need you more then ever right now, I know you can take care of things I GIVE YOU COMPLETE CONTROL. I know i say that a lot, but i mean it,

IF it means being more near you each day and close to you, then that is what I must do, Father, i want to be a well springing forth with water and i want to reach out and touch those that need that living water you have poured into me. I just want a life with Just you and the things you have put and installed in me,

I want to just hide in your shelter of your wings and never leave.. I love you and that you protect me from the snares and the arrows of the enemy..

Thursday, September 2, 2010

MY Prayer

God I just want to say thank you for always being there for us, and always knowing what is best, i am so thankful to get to serve a GOD like you, You are worthy you are magnificent, You are all i ever need. My heart is yours, My life is yours, my will is yours. Jesus Its all i want you are all I want, I humble myself unto you, I give my time and my wants and desires over to you. I ask that God you will just show me what it is that you want, I want to follow you always, and i want to seek your face, I don't want anything to get in the way of what your doing in my life.

I need you today and every day, I just want more and more and more, of you I can't do this journey alone, I can't do this life alone, I need you, I want you, I desire you, I long for you.

If it wasn't for your love and your cross, I wouldn't be who i am today, I wouldn't love you with and everlasting love, and i wouldn't want to focus on what you have for me, Thank you Father for your love and patience that I can come to you and give everything over to you. I pray God that things will just lift off of this family, and that you will begin to set things free and that all our chains will be broken off. and That we will see an awesome Victory, Over our finances God you said in your word, that whatever we ask in your name to surrender to you and you will answer us. Oh God i am asking for a relief, and that you will provide for us, I know you have in the past and I am so appreciative of it, Give us a peace that passes all understanding we cry out for you and we are just waiting upon you. Thank you for all your doing and going to do! We love you Jesus!

Monday, August 30, 2010

How Long?

How long am I going to be barren? How much longer am I going to have to wait for that miracle once again? My heart longs for another baby, and all I want is to give a sibling to my son, How much longer am I going to have this longing for one? God I need you more and more, i long to know what your plans are for me, I know that you have my best interest at heart, and you know the desires of my heart, and you know me inside and out, and you love me, and you long for me,

I love you Father, You are so incredible to me, I just want to know WILL I EVER CONCIEVE AGAIN? cuz if not take this desire from me? and put me at rest and peace, But if not, God just give me a peace that passes all understanding, I know God that you are going to do some awesome things, I know people tell me its all in your timing, but those are the ones that have no problems getting pregnant, so they honestly can't seem to understand what I am going through let alone hurt and long for another baby, GOD what must I do?

What are you doing to me, what is that you want from me? what is that you need me to do?/ to get that baby you promised me.....You say your promises are yes and amen... I know i need to totally rely on and trust you and have faith that you know what your doing, Its just hard because I see all these ladies who aren't married getting pregnant and either killing them, or putting them up, or there are some married women who pop them out left adn right and here I am struggling and even considering giving it up. SO WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME? What do you want me to do? I just need to know?

Thank for the son you have given me, he is my world besides you and Dale, but I love him, I know I am not perfect when it comes to raising him, but i atleast care and love him and take what he says to heart. Just show me what I need to do differently and how to be a better parent...

I am asking and trusting and putting my whole faith in you. Thank You for providing for us, and taking good care of us. and for always knowing before we even ask what to say or do for us. so thanks. I know everything is in your hands and you have everything under control...

Is that it? you want me to give CONTROL OVER to you? because i will do that, I don't want to think about or even worry about this anymore, ITS IN YOUR HANDS.. i give it to you and I DON"T WANT TO PICK IT BACK UP!!!! I praise you Father for you are truly amazing and my healer and my establisher. thank you God for always having our best interests at heart. I WILL GET PREGNANT AGAIN, i am standing on your promise and your word, I am going to put my Faith and Trust in you.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Patiently waiting

Ok I am patiently waiting, to just sit here and know what you want, and as I am just sitting here and you calmly tell me to BE STILL MY LITTLE ONE, I AM GOING TO GET YOU THROUGH THIS, You are going to be ok, i know things are not as they seem but you My Child are what I have called a lover and a friend..

I am his daughter and he is Father, and with out you I can do nothing, I know you will never leave me nor forsake me, God I know you have my plans and my future all in your hand, I give everything over to you, You are a faithful friend and Father. So as i am on this Path i pray that you will guide and direct me, and just show me what to do and which way to go, I just need you to be in my Center Focus and just enlighten me with your presence, I want you to just surround me and just envelope me and just show me the way and the path and direction you are taking me, I am excited but yet nervous as to what is going to take place in my Future that you are so graciously planning for me

You Father I am going to start to put my faith and trust in more, so when i feel a sense of doubt i will stand up over it and say I do trust and I do have faith and i do know you love me and that you care and just want whats best for me,

Thank You Father God that I can turn to you and just weep and cry and be angry but yet be free to do that and not have a care or worry in the world. I love you Jesus, you are my healer and savior and best friend, i don't know where I would be with out you.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Its Time

Its time that we all are on alert, God isn't messing around with us anymore, either we give him all of us or not at all, he is looking for a pure and clean bride, He doesn't want to come back to a church that isn't' ready, either your ready or not, but he isn't going to be waiting for ever..

We are to reach out to those that haven't seen him or have even invited him in there lives we need to be fishing for his people and searching for those that need a savior. God i want to be one of those that is fishing God send me use me guide me direct me, I am not going to fight this battle alone, and I know we are at a war right now, and only you God can save us..

You are night and shining armor, you are our protector, you are the one who can do all things.. you are the one who can show us how to fight with your word. We are going to be prepared because you are our Teacher and our comforter....Right now we need you, Jesus You are more then enough, God we want you, I know there are some who think they can do with out you, But I am not one of those. You are what keeps me going, you are the one who gives me patience with things in my day and my life, You are the one who helps me be a great mother and wife. Jesus, Forgive things that I have done that hasn't brought Glory to you, Forgive me for allowing things in my life to take the place of you. I just want more and more of you..

Use me, Guide ME direct me, and just be My GPS system. I love you Jesus. You are the way the truth and the life.

I honor and adore you and you only. thank you for my family and my job my house my van a great husband that loves you and me, and for our son who is the JOY of my life, its all because of you i can get up and be his mother. thank you
I love you!!!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

NO Matter what

No matter what God i will follow you, i know i have been dry and thirst for far to long now, and i desire to know you, I desire to run after you with all my heart and soul and mind, I want to chase after you, You are all I need. I know things got off course but once again God you are going to turn that around, You know every thing, you know every thought and every desire and every wants and needs in my life..

I know God I am not perfect, But Lord you have given me many trials and i have tended to not trust you, I am as of today handing over the reigns to you and giving you complete control once again, i no longer want to go at this battle alone, i believe God you were waiting for me to say i need you and releasing things back to you once again. So God that is what I am doing today, Just teach me Father, show me your ways are better then mine..

I just want to be your servant, I just want to show my love and adoration to you. I give up God, I give up on everything, I know there are things that I can't control, but you can, I know you have every best interest in my life at heart, and you know the plans for my life, I know you would never put me in a position to harm or hurt me, everything you do for me its for your Glory and Victory, YOU ARE MY VINDICATER, I am glad to be called and chosen for you. It brings me great joy to just offer my love and sacrifices up to you and just to stop and be in your presence. You are Graceful and worthy of everything that you are and everything that you do. You do out of Love and Protection. I love you King Jesus, Daddy God, you are more way more then enough! THank you for always knowing whats best for me!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Dry season

God I don't know what you are doing to me, and I don't quite understand, But you do, You are in control, I just want what you have for me, I don't know what you are doing or what is in store for me, But you are GOD and you can do all things.

I know I am going through another season, but I don't quite know why, what is the reason behind it, Why is it that I feel as though i am struggling to just be able to sense you. Show me Father, I don't want to feel distant from you, I don't want to be away from you,

I want to know I can be around you, I want to feel your arms draped around me, I want to hear your voice, I want to touch you, I want to just know that I am not alone, You God are who I want to serve,

No matter what the enemy may throw my way I know you are on my side, I know that I can trust you and that my faith is always in you. I know you have my best interests at heart.

God forgive me for not laying every thing down at your feet. I am sorry for not giving you complete control of my life, I am sorry for letting the world get to me, I am sorry for letting my flesh in, and not letting you have the best of me,

I love you Jesus, I just want to be yours I just want to know that your love is unending, God just engulf me in your grace. Give me patience when I don't have it, Help me to be a better mother and wife. Just lead me into your understanding. I praise you! Thank You Jesus, I love you!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

My heart is thirsty for more of you

Father I know you are polishing me, I know you set me and Dale apart for your purpose and time to bring us out, God I love you, I just want you to do what ever it is you want us to do for you Kingdom, I have run the good race and fought the good battle you have placed before us. You are worthy of all praise! I can't fathom my life with out your love and kindness, You are the one I will and want to serve. I am humbling myself to you, That you just continue to prune me and get me set apart for your timing and purpose,

I pray God that you just show Dale the same vision that i see you have for us, I know he thinks differently then i do but God you are getting us ready, I am so so excited for what you have prepared for us. I am so excited that you are going to use us, me and him as a team and you are preparing us in unity with not only each other but with you.

You have set us apart and you taken us on this journey that you are taking us through and on, for a special purpose. I just can't explain my heart but you understand it, GOd you are amazing, I am so happy to be called your friend and your daughter. you are most amazing. Jesus you are worthy, you are magnificent, you are holy you are all i am and more. I love you, You are my best friend, God I just want more and more and more of you. Just use us, and continue to just be the God of all the area in my life, and if there is anything that needs to be pruned away i just pray God that you just show me.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

For I know

For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you, plans not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29;11

God that is my sure foundation I stand on that promise and claim my Victory in you. You oh God I do trust in you, I thank you Father that you know every thought every hurt every pain, but God you know what our dreams and desires are.

I thank you that you promised us a future, As long as you are in my future i don't care what else we do. I just want to know that you are there and going with us through it all.

I thank you for always knowing whats best for us, always knowing what our needs are before we come to you and asking you for them. I love the fact that you stand by us and guide us and coach us through our battles and our journeys. you oh Father are in and through every aspect of it.

Worthy is your name oh Father, YOu are magnificent, You reign supreme, You are my Rock my redeemer my lover, my best friend, one whom I can talk to, the one who guides me, i am not afraid when you are near me, and with me, You are my savior in all my aspect of my life.

I lay myself down each day to just be near you. God just work through and in me, to be the better person and daughter you want me to be.I love you Jesus!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

If You Say Go by Rita Springer ~ Greenbergs Move to Africa

Surrender my all

Father God I surrender my all to you, I give up, I am tired of running this race alone, I am tired of letting the worldly things hinder my walk with you, I am tired of running on my own ambition, i am tired of going on my way, I want your way. I am so sorry for thinking i can do this with out you, Its because of you i can walk this walk and run this race you have set up before me.

I want nothing more but to just wrap myself into you. You Oh God are my life, I surrender everything i have to you. I am just done. I am done fighting with out you. Like your word says, I have run the race, i have fought the good fight. I just need you more and more, I am so tired of this fleshy feeling i am having. i want to step into my new life through you, I want to continue to die with self. You oh God can do the impossible.

Just envelope me, and get me to where you need me to be. Our ministry is in your hands oh God my father, I know you have a special place for us, i know you are getting things ready and set. I just pray that you continue to just prepare our hearts, if this church is the one we are to minister in then i pray that all the doors stay open. I know its a big leap, but God when your in it, It doesn't matter where we are as long as your my Guide and I know i can put my total faith and trust in you. I thank you in advance for what you are doing in our lives and getting us prepared. I love you Jesus!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Waiting Patiently

God I am forever waiting Patiently to where you may send us, We Want what you want for us, we don't want to do this unless it has you written all over it,and the doors are open. God we want to reach out to those who need you. God we are your beacons of light and we are your Servants we want to do what ever you want us to.

GOD SEND US TO THE PLACE WE NEED TO GO!!!! We thank you that you are doing some awesome things in our lives and that you are getting us ready for an awesome journey in you. You oh God are our Shephard and we want to follow you. Its not about us, but about you.

God we surrender to you and everything that is in our hands are yours.

Thank You Jesus!

Monday, July 26, 2010

A New Season

As I sit here and wonder what is going to happen next in my walk with you, I feel as though i hit a new season in you. I feel as though I am on hold or you are just testing my faith and love for you. God I will never ever feel any different, I just want to be consumed in you, I want to sense you and your consuming fire. I feel lost with out you, I feel as though you are so far away and so distant from me, I just want to know you are right beside me following me holding my hand and telling me every thing is going to be ok.

God what is that you want from me, or for me? what is it truly you have set for me? I want what ever you want for me, I give all my desires and wants into your hands, I don't want my will that i want but i want what ever it is you want for me, God i am your humble servant and your vessel. I will do what ever you ask of me, I will sacrifice what ever needs to sacrificed, If its another child to have me give up then i will do it, I want what ever you desire for my life, and my family. You are most welcome to be the center of my Marriage, and my parenting and my life. I give you control.

I love you Father, You are Magnificent in all aspects of my Life, and I adore you< i stand in awe of you, I love and worship only you. I Love you always, You are my Father God, you are my Daddy, I praise you for you made me, I gave up my life for you. Now Father just rain your blessings up on us. and just give me strength and faith to stand on what you have promised for us.

you have given us a hope and a future, so Father i am asking and waiting patiently for what you have in store. open up the doors we are to go through, I don't want to feel as though i have no clue what your doing. I love you Jesus!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I am Free.

I am free in you, You broke the chains off of my life and you wiped my slate clean i am new in you. For you are my God, you set me free. I no longer have to worry and live in the past. I am living in the present and future that you have prepared for me and gone ahead and taken care of things.

I am lost in you. I sense everything that you have and more. I just want to admire who you are. My shackles have been ripped off, and you have provided a way to you. You love me unconditionally and you love me for who i am and not what i am.

You love me regardless of my past. and you are pruning away the parts that no longer need to be present. God i am asking that you do away with the little Raven and replace her with a new grown up that loves you and just wants to be in you all day. and a new Raven that has a love for you and love for her husband and her son and future children. Shine your light where darkness once was. Show her that she no longer has to be afraid that you are her savior. What the enemy meant for harm and hurt you are turning into your Love and purity. I pray God that she will know that you love her and that she no longer has to be afraid of love and rejection, that you once were and still by some are rejected. but you love them anyway.

Give her a better life and let her know its ok to go. I know it hurts to say good bye, but God you can take better care of her. and she can rest assure and know she is safe in you. and the enemy no longer has any ties to her. I pray Father that she can be set free and stay in the arms of your love and peace adn freedom.

I pray Father as the new older Raven steps in place that you will just show her and guide her in the direction she is suppose to go. and Let her know that she is the women she is suppose to be. and not worry about changing for anyone but you. That its time for her to step up and be a wife and mother and stop waiting for others to tell her, but she should know that and know that you are savior. God just help her to fully rely on you and trust on you.

and when things don't go the way they should that you would just pick up those pieces and show her that she isn't meant to go at it alone. but with your help and guidance
Break her free from her old ways and old life, and help her to intergrate into the woman of God you have set her apart to be.

I give you permission Adult Raven to come in and take lil raven's spot. you are free lil raven, i am no longer after today going to worry and fall apart as a little girl but i am going to be a new person and i am going to be the mom and wife Jesus has called me to be. All my hurts and frustrations from my past are to remain and God is going to replace that with the new Raven and she is going to not look back and wonder what she could have done to fix things but she is going to look forward at the new things that Jesus is going to show her and direct her to do.

Thank you Jesus. this is a painful transition but i know that you are doing some awesome things in me, and I can't wait for you to show me what they are. I am yours to do with as you want, Mold me into what you want me to be. I love you Father!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

I am lost in you

Father i am lost in you, all i want to do is sit and listen to worship and sing to you, and read your love letters to me, and just bask in you all day, i don't ever want to leave, i just want to just rest in you. You are my love and my kindness, I love you Jesus, you reign for ever in me,

Oh Majesty show me your face and your kindness, I want to forever rejoice in you. I don't care what this world throws at me, All i want is to know you are there helping me get through it all, I put my total faith and trust in you.

Poor out your heavens on me oh God, You Oh Lord are Majestic in everything you do and are.You love me, and i love you, I am lost in you and your love and mercy, Rain down on me, i want to feel your presence all over i want to be dripping wet Lord, You are my sustainer in life, you know how to pick me up and show me what things need to change and you envelope me with your love, and comfort and peace. I love you Father.

Hillsong - At the Cross - With Subtitles/Lyrics

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Heart breaking!

Father why is my heart breaking, who am i to pray for? who is it that needs prayer?
God i want to be interceding for someone, why am i so sad and hurting?

You God know why? i don't seem to understand fully, I am broken before you, I don't want to be like those every day christians and putting on a mask then turn around and be someone i am not.

I am all for you and real. i don't want to be fake, i know there a lot of those people right now, and i don't want to be one of those. Jesus where there is sadness i pray God that you just fill it with your Joy unspeakable Joy, Surround me with your love and happiness, you are my hope and security.

I just need you and just need to be in your presence and just to sense your Spirit and Love around me.
You are my Father and my daddy and my protector and i love you. I love you so much. Just give me peace and help me to be still in you. Father with this church thing, I pray Father that you just open up the right doors, and help us to turn to you and continue to trust that you know what your doing, that its all in your timing.

Father I know that its getting closer and closer. You know what we need, and you know what will fit us, so I pray God that you just show us the way and Guide us where you want us to go. and help my husband to not get discouraged and help me and him search for you even more together and know that you are in this and that you are in the center and that what ever decision we make we make with you and each other THank Father I can come to you and you listen and hear the desires of our hearts. you always know whats best.

I love you Father. help us to be patient as we prepare for ministry!

Saturday, July 3, 2010


Jesus you are my hearts desire, I only want what you want for my life, You are in control in my life, You are life, You are in control of what goes on in my life, I only want whatever your will is for me, I love that I don't know my future that you uphold it in your hands, and that You love me to keep it a mystery from me. I love that you love me with an everlasting love, I am so content in with my life right now, I am not content with just a little you, I want more then my heart can bear,

Lord I just sometimes need a reminder of who you are in me and what you want for me, You are loving and patient with me and my growing and even though it hurts to prune and get rid of all the yuckies from me, I just want it to be done and chiseled away when you want, Father I don't want to rush the process, I know God the things you are doing in my life is in your perfect timing.

I don't ever want to forget what you have in store. I don't ever want to forget that its YOUR WILL, not mine. I know when i am weak, You will never ever leave my side, when i can't go anymore, you are on the sidelines cheering me on , and you have been and always will be the one who will never leave. I can always put my totally faith and trust in you and what you are doing for me!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

God’s Chisel « Videos « The Skit Guys

God’s Chisel « Videos « The Skit Guys

Hear us from Heaven

Lord open the blind eyes and the deaf ears, we want to see you Jesus, You are all we asking for and we want a new revelation and we want you to touch our generation, I am crying out Father revive us, send us your spirit and unlock the hearts of those who are putting up walls and i pray God that you just break through and mend the hurting, I Father am humbling before you and want to be set free in all areas of my life. You are my Father and I can't live with out knowing you are going to be there. My whole being is in to who you are. and i can't live with out God you are my whole essance of my being,

You designed me and you are chisling away every part and getting to the core of the real me, I don't want anything more or less, all i want is you Father you are all i need.

I don't want to be away from what you have called me to be, you are my whole reason i get up, you give me new mercies everymorning. and i can't help but just praise you, Yes i am sometimes tired. but God in my tiredness you give me strength and energy.
Fill me to my core and just help me to be a better person in you. I want to have the Light so i can shine it in the darkness. You are my light, you God shine it and pierce thru the darkness, thank you for setting me on fire for you. I don't want to ever loose sight of you and who you really are.

I love you Jesus!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Our Nation

Jesus our Nation is in need of a major Revival, Oh father revive us again, we need your awesome power and presence, we need you to change this world dramastically, Where there is darkness, Father send your light and just shed light on darkness, The enemies are going to flee, You are our Heavenly Father, you make things all bright and beautiful, all things glorious. You are our sustainer of life, and you provide for us, and you take care of us, you watch out for your children. You love us, you don't want us to be lost, So God i pray that the prodigals will come back to you, and that this nation will submit fully to you once again. and that you will receive all the Glory and Honor that you deserve. I love you Jesus, You are my God and i can't imagine my self with out in my life

I can't fathom just how much you truly and utterly love me, Thank you for stripping me down to pretty much my stub, and that you are piecing me back together the way you want me to be, and that you are getting ready to send me off a new person, I pray God that i can just continue to die with self, and that the desires of my heart will be yours. and that whatever i want will be what you want for me.

I am yours do with me what you want, I give myself all to you. I will go Lord send us, send me and open the doors you want us to go thru, and close the ones that are not meant to stay openend i love you Jesus! I will worship you and only you.

Friday, June 25, 2010

No one else but you Jesus

Thank You God that i can sing of your love and even though I am not gifted in the whole singing, you still accept my praises to you any way, My praises go up and your love comes down, I thank you that you are using me to bring unity to others Father we are definately your family and we are drawing closer to you, You are an amazing Father, I love you, and I can just sense you in my every aspect of my life and my walk with you and the things i do around home and work and every where i go i know you are there. So thank you for protecting us and watching out for us, For being my Guide and always knowing when to prompt me, and for showing me the doors to go thru and for just loving on me, You are my God, and my Savior, and I will love you for the rest of my days.

Jesus give me a fresh annointing and give me a fresh touch today, Allow me to just stay in the presence of you, I am so glad that the other distractions are gone and that you are helping me in my daily walk with you, I so badly want to continue to die with self and let your Holy Spirit to a major take over of me, and I pray God that i can come to you and just have my heart and any walls that need to come down, come down, and you would just fill me with your Fire. I want you God to just engulf me on Fire and I just want more and more and more of your power.

You are the God of all, I pray that you would open the doors to our ministry and just show us where you want us to go, and where you want us to be used and as a blessing.
I want your heart, i want your passion, i want your love, Just use me, Send Me i will go, i will go where ever it is you send me. use me use me! I love you Jesus!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Where the spirit of the Lord is there is Freedom, I am so glad i don't have fear and worry, that You oh God there is freedom, I lift my eyes to Jesus, there is freedom, God i sing of your great mercies, You restore us to your Glory, and You raised your son from death and he is now sitting at your right hand, and Jesus you are worthy of all my praise and adoration, God may my mouth always sing praises to you, I just want to dance with you, You will prevail once again, what the devil meant for evil and the darkness he is trying to put on your children your LIGHT WILL PREVAIL THRU, and you once again will win, I bow down to you Oh Abba Father, I set my heart and desires on you, I am at PEACE with who you are, and you set me free, for you know my plans and my future, You give me a hope and a future, and not anything to harm me or put me in harms way, your arms and heart is there to gather me up, and My heart cries out to you, I just want to sit in your lap and just gaze at your beauty, you are my beloved savior and beloved king. my soul knows very well of who you really are. and God i could sing of your great love all the days of my life. I cry out to you, you hear my cries, I shout out to you and yet you still hear me, You love me to the ends of the earth and your love is eternal and you will leave me nor forsake me, You have my best interests at heart, I am not going to be held back from what you have set a head for me. My feet are placed on solid rock, you are my true foundation, and i am secure in knowing that i don't have to fear that you Oh God care for me, and you have me in your arms! Jesus you are my one and only true God and i have nothing to be ashamed of, My eyes will always be looking torwards heaven, and my heart and ears and eyes will be open to receive what ever it is you have for me!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Kari Jobe-Be Still

Be still

Lord as I just sit here and just let you move in me, and as i hear your voice, you keep telling me to be still, and wait on you, so Father that is what i want to do, God I am yours totally, and I want my soul to be at rest and peace with your word. I want to die with self, and i want to know that God you are pining away all the bad parts and you are definately at work in me, I sense it, you are doing some mighty work in me and I am receptive to all the changes you want to continue to do in my heart and mind and soul and spirit!Victory is yours oh abba father, you reign in me, you are my everything, i will worship you, God all i want is just to sit at your feet and cry Holy, Holy to you, you are a breath of living water to me, You are the center of all of my storms and you are most wonderful and glorious, I praise only you, I stand in awe of your love and your adoration father you so deserve. Your praise is always on my lips, you never have let go of me, and i am surrounded by your mercy and grace, and your mercies are new everymorning!God i want to be a women of intregrity, I want to serve you with no conditions i know you take me as I am flaws and all, and you are using me, I pray God as you start to show me things that i will be obedient to your word and that i can line up with it, and that i will not be on offensiveness, but all open, and that my heart yes will be protected from the wrong kind of love, but you will show me and help me put up healthy barriers and bounderies for those i come in contact with, that you will open up my eyes to the things unseen, but not only that you will give me direction and guidance in every step you take me thru, I know i am going thru different seasons right now, i just pray right now for my patience that you just help me to do better. You are all i need and want, and you know how to close those doors that aren't suppose to be open. I thank you for everything you do and everything that you are, and i praise you and worship you, you are God of the universe!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

My portion

God i thank you that you are my portion and my healer, and that i can come to you and you will sweep me away into your arms, and thank you lord that i can just get lost into you, You are my healer and your love is enough for me! I thank you That i don't have fear, but I can put my trust in you, and i can have all the peace knowing that you are my God, and that those who hurt me you will give me love and hope, and i know that all things work together thru those you love and those who love you, I am so thankful for my love for you, that I can just open my heart and you just overflow it with your love, Your love is so great and that i can share it with those that are in need of it! You have put a new hope and joy in me, and i can't get enough of who you are, and that i don't need others to fill my life like you do, You are my all consuming fire and passion, When things go a wall, you are there, i can walk thru the waters and iknow you won't leave me, You are a faithful God and i can trust in you, I lift my hands in surrender to you, you have all of me,and I praise you, God you are a wonderful savior, Majestic are your ways oh God, My heart skips a beat when i am in your presence, You grace is more then enough. You pierce the darkness, and you let your LIGHT shine thru, Your mercy and grace are my dwelling place. I am so full of Joy that you are my one and true Friend, my so called true friends aren't enough and you are true to the end, I will always sing of your great love, I am an overcomer, it is thru you i can live and move. My heart and everything in it belongs to you.Thank you for my Joy in you, I have the Joy in the Holy Ghost! My hands are forever lifted up to you, and i just want to always reach out to you, i surrender all iam to you!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

My heart is on fire

Lord my heart is on fire for you, my life needs to be in your hands, when i feel as though i can't walk thru this life, i know i can walk hand in hand with you, and you haven't left my side, you are glorious, your promises are true, my faith is on solid rock, and i can have the assurance that you say you are there for me, God you are always my first love, and I am not afraid to SHOUT IT OUT,I will shout it out for all the world to hear, My heart is consumed with your wonder, and I am amazed that you call me daughter,My heart belongs to you, come in and clean out what doesn't belong there, I desire only you. If i can't have you in my life, then I don't want to walk this life anymore, but i know you are there and i feel you everytime i go out and i have the awesome peace in my heart, knowing i don't have to worry and be anxious, you are there right beside me, i know i can lean on you and you won't let me fall, Your arms catch me when i fall, and i feel safe knowign that your love for me is unconditional, and you are my safe place. you are making me more and more like you, you are pruning away the things in my life that don't need to be there.

Love having you in the center of my life
you are my DADDY, Father,lover,

Friday, June 18, 2010

johnathan stockstill- chasing after you


Jesus i see myself running after you, My arms are wide open and my heart is abandoned to you, and i just run after you, and i just want to dance and just stay in your arms and presence i don't ever want to leave. I am so in love with you Jesus, you are my everything, you pierce the darkness, Oh God you are my rock and redemmer you have called me by name and you chose me to be your child, and i am so happy that I get to serve a GOD like you. I don't know where i would be in this life if you never rescued me. I know i wouldn't be the daughter i am today if it weren't for you. I am here Lord send me, i want to be used by you, Thank you for putting people in my path and for using them to your Glory, thank you for putting me in peoples paths to spread your love and your spirit, that is all i want God i want to be used by you. This world is dying and Father without your touch and your rescuing they aren't going to make it, So please use our generation to save them once again and win this world to you, They are your sons and daughters you love them and called them by name and they are written on your hand and heart. YOu knew them before there parents knew them. use the right people in there paths to come to you. Lord my cry is to win as many people i can for you, use me God I pray, Use me, Use Me!!!!! I love you Jesus!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Matt Redman - You Never Let Go

passion burns brighter for you

Jesus thank you for always being by my side and holding my hand, and never letting me go, thank you God that when my friends fail me, you never will, that where my heart is filled with anguish you fill it with calmness and peace and i know i can rejoice in knowing you are my one and only, Thank you Father for your arms are always wrapped around me each and every day, I know that when i wake up i have expectations, Lord I pray that you help me lay those all down and just focus on what I have ahead of me, You are stripping me down to my core and you are wanting to see the real and raw me. And God I am all yours and I know i may budge and be stubborn in some of that, but God you are purifying me and getting me ready, I know that my friends won't always be there, but God you are, and you will never let me down or fail me, you will always love me and want me around when no one else does. I don't care what others may say about me, its what you think of me, and i only want to impress you, I am not changing for anyone only you, I know you are pruning me, and setting me apart from others, you are taking me on a new journey. You are testing me and helping me to understand the things i don't seem to get.

God you are worthy of all I am and I love to do nothing more then to praise you and adore you for all you are and more. I can't get enough of you. I just want to just sit and bask in your presence. I want to just dance all day and just worship you and be free from everything in this life. I want to go into a whole deeper level with you. you are all i want, Your my life and my hearts desire is just to be near you and never loose sight of that. I love having this Joy in you and knowing that you are near me, and that i can never be alone, I have you. i know things get a little rocky but you O God sustain me, you are my whole being of life and the reason, I get up in the morning and breathe and just adore you. thank you Lord for always guiding me, and directing me in everything, I know Father you are taking me thru a season of life and I love it, I know things aren't always going to be perfect. but inside of my storms you are there. and you are directing my every move. when i need you, you are there, when i am feeling needy you replace that with desires. and I praise you Oh Adonai you are my Wonderful God and saviour. Thank you for working on me and fixing the broken cracks and making me whole again!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Kari Jobe Healer

Kari Jobe - The More I Seek You w/lyrics

Revelation Song - Kari Jobe

Jesus you are rightous and your name is Holy and magnificant, I don't know where i would be if I never would have found you, My heart will always sing praises to you, My mouth will speak only Love and Kindness, You are my Saviour, I can do all things through you who give me strength,I know my faith can move many mountains, I put my whole trust in you, May you receive all the honor that is due you, You are my Daddy God, i can't Fathom, but your power and love, You are kindness, you are worthy, you are ever salvation, You my prince of peace, you are my provider, You are called Blessed that is because you are my God and my rescue, I feel safe when i am in your arms, and in your heart, I want to have your heart, i want to love and be loved by you, I stand on your truth and your promises, I don't want to go in this life with out knowing i have you on my side and knowing that if it weren't for your grace then i couldn't function, My heart is all yours, Do your will in me, Engulf me, and just peel me down to my core and just work in me a new every moment till there is a new passion and understanding of what this life is all about. My salvation is in you, I feel rest and secure in your love, I am free because of what you have done for me, and i am free to worship you and i am free to love you, I can't go through this life with out, Just use me mold me, make me into what you want me to be for you. I am living for your Name and Glory God, there is no one like you!

Hillsong - In Your Freedom

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My heart for you

Lord you are my saviour and i know our world is dying, we need your touch more then ever, we need a great big revival we need you Jesus to sweep across the earth once more and just revive us, there has been enough darkness far to long now, we need a refreshing and we need your LIGHT to shine through, the darkness will be gone and your light will defeat it, my life is in your hands, my desires are in your hands, i give you control oh GOD you are always faithful and true, You are my reason for living, and i am so grateful for you, you hold my every moment, you know when i sleep and when i rise and you know my inner most thoughts and you know how to love me when no one else does, I just want to just sit here in your presence and never leave, you are my King and nothing or no one will ever change that, you move me in ways that no thing on earth can, you shake me to the point of my core being raw before you, i don't ever want to loose my connections with you Jesus, I love to just sit here and love on you and just listen to you, you know how to speak thru me, and i know there are some amazing things you are doing thru me and my family, Jesus you deserve all the praise, I am so worthy of your love father, you are my daddy! and i love you very much, i run to you and you catch me when i fall, you know my heart and you love me and you want the best for me, thank you God for meeting me daily and giving me the strength to get thru.

Monday, June 14, 2010



My hearts desire

Jesus my desire is to know you more and more, My heart is burning with passion for you, I want to be able to show you my love and not let my hinderances get in the way of that, God you consume my everybeing, I want your arms to wrap around me and just engulf me with your love, I love the fact that you re mine, and that my walls are coming down and i have a passion for you, I just want to get in your face and just have you pick up my pieces and just put me back together, you know my inner and outer being, I don't have to prove myself to you, you love me and accept me and all my faults, you love me unconditionally, I want to just be in your presence all day, Your love surrounds me everyday, and i am so glad i have found you and that you care for me, Your love is so intense, and i just want to feel you like never before, I know God you are taking me thru a season, and i love the fact that you are in the center of my life and that you just want me to focus on you. Your love for me is more then i can explain. You set me free from my depressions you set me free from all my hurts and all i want is just be in your arms and just to feel your wings and your heart beat. I am tired of being someone i am not, Only you God are my one and most true friend, i dont'need anyone else to complete me, you O God do that enough, and i just want to be able to know when i am in the wrong, i want to know that when i make a mistake you quicken my heart, I want to be more and mor elike you, i want to be intregated into you, i want your heart, i want to see through your eyes, i want passion and love like yours, i want to love like you love, You are all i want to be and more. My heart cries freedom, Father break loose in me, and let me sense the thigns that aren't correct. I am your daughter, i am your vessel do with me what you want. I don't want a supernatural life i want a life that revolves around what you want from me, I want that light that people want and can't get enough of. I have the Victory and only you deserve all of my highest praise! My life and control is in your hands!