Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Jesus you are rightous and your name is Holy and magnificant, I don't know where i would be if I never would have found you, My heart will always sing praises to you, My mouth will speak only Love and Kindness, You are my Saviour, I can do all things through you who give me strength,I know my faith can move many mountains, I put my whole trust in you, May you receive all the honor that is due you, You are my Daddy God, i can't Fathom, but your power and love, You are kindness, you are worthy, you are ever salvation, You my prince of peace, you are my provider, You are called Blessed that is because you are my God and my rescue, I feel safe when i am in your arms, and in your heart, I want to have your heart, i want to love and be loved by you, I stand on your truth and your promises, I don't want to go in this life with out knowing i have you on my side and knowing that if it weren't for your grace then i couldn't function, My heart is all yours, Do your will in me, Engulf me, and just peel me down to my core and just work in me a new every moment till there is a new passion and understanding of what this life is all about. My salvation is in you, I feel rest and secure in your love, I am free because of what you have done for me, and i am free to worship you and i am free to love you, I can't go through this life with out, Just use me mold me, make me into what you want me to be for you. I am living for your Name and Glory God, there is no one like you!

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