Monday, July 26, 2010

A New Season

As I sit here and wonder what is going to happen next in my walk with you, I feel as though i hit a new season in you. I feel as though I am on hold or you are just testing my faith and love for you. God I will never ever feel any different, I just want to be consumed in you, I want to sense you and your consuming fire. I feel lost with out you, I feel as though you are so far away and so distant from me, I just want to know you are right beside me following me holding my hand and telling me every thing is going to be ok.

God what is that you want from me, or for me? what is it truly you have set for me? I want what ever you want for me, I give all my desires and wants into your hands, I don't want my will that i want but i want what ever it is you want for me, God i am your humble servant and your vessel. I will do what ever you ask of me, I will sacrifice what ever needs to sacrificed, If its another child to have me give up then i will do it, I want what ever you desire for my life, and my family. You are most welcome to be the center of my Marriage, and my parenting and my life. I give you control.

I love you Father, You are Magnificent in all aspects of my Life, and I adore you< i stand in awe of you, I love and worship only you. I Love you always, You are my Father God, you are my Daddy, I praise you for you made me, I gave up my life for you. Now Father just rain your blessings up on us. and just give me strength and faith to stand on what you have promised for us.

you have given us a hope and a future, so Father i am asking and waiting patiently for what you have in store. open up the doors we are to go through, I don't want to feel as though i have no clue what your doing. I love you Jesus!

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