Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Surrender my all

Father God I surrender my all to you, I give up, I am tired of running this race alone, I am tired of letting the worldly things hinder my walk with you, I am tired of running on my own ambition, i am tired of going on my way, I want your way. I am so sorry for thinking i can do this with out you, Its because of you i can walk this walk and run this race you have set up before me.

I want nothing more but to just wrap myself into you. You Oh God are my life, I surrender everything i have to you. I am just done. I am done fighting with out you. Like your word says, I have run the race, i have fought the good fight. I just need you more and more, I am so tired of this fleshy feeling i am having. i want to step into my new life through you, I want to continue to die with self. You oh God can do the impossible.

Just envelope me, and get me to where you need me to be. Our ministry is in your hands oh God my father, I know you have a special place for us, i know you are getting things ready and set. I just pray that you continue to just prepare our hearts, if this church is the one we are to minister in then i pray that all the doors stay open. I know its a big leap, but God when your in it, It doesn't matter where we are as long as your my Guide and I know i can put my total faith and trust in you. I thank you in advance for what you are doing in our lives and getting us prepared. I love you Jesus!

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