Thursday, July 1, 2010

Hear us from Heaven

Lord open the blind eyes and the deaf ears, we want to see you Jesus, You are all we asking for and we want a new revelation and we want you to touch our generation, I am crying out Father revive us, send us your spirit and unlock the hearts of those who are putting up walls and i pray God that you just break through and mend the hurting, I Father am humbling before you and want to be set free in all areas of my life. You are my Father and I can't live with out knowing you are going to be there. My whole being is in to who you are. and i can't live with out God you are my whole essance of my being,

You designed me and you are chisling away every part and getting to the core of the real me, I don't want anything more or less, all i want is you Father you are all i need.

I don't want to be away from what you have called me to be, you are my whole reason i get up, you give me new mercies everymorning. and i can't help but just praise you, Yes i am sometimes tired. but God in my tiredness you give me strength and energy.
Fill me to my core and just help me to be a better person in you. I want to have the Light so i can shine it in the darkness. You are my light, you God shine it and pierce thru the darkness, thank you for setting me on fire for you. I don't want to ever loose sight of you and who you really are.

I love you Jesus!

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