Friday, June 18, 2010


Jesus i see myself running after you, My arms are wide open and my heart is abandoned to you, and i just run after you, and i just want to dance and just stay in your arms and presence i don't ever want to leave. I am so in love with you Jesus, you are my everything, you pierce the darkness, Oh God you are my rock and redemmer you have called me by name and you chose me to be your child, and i am so happy that I get to serve a GOD like you. I don't know where i would be in this life if you never rescued me. I know i wouldn't be the daughter i am today if it weren't for you. I am here Lord send me, i want to be used by you, Thank you for putting people in my path and for using them to your Glory, thank you for putting me in peoples paths to spread your love and your spirit, that is all i want God i want to be used by you. This world is dying and Father without your touch and your rescuing they aren't going to make it, So please use our generation to save them once again and win this world to you, They are your sons and daughters you love them and called them by name and they are written on your hand and heart. YOu knew them before there parents knew them. use the right people in there paths to come to you. Lord my cry is to win as many people i can for you, use me God I pray, Use me, Use Me!!!!! I love you Jesus!

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