Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thanksgiving to my king

Lord as we approach the Holiday Season let us remember your awesome sons birth, that with out him we can not live, I am thankful for having his salvation, that when i feel like running i can run into his open arms, that he can be my rescue, Lord you have rescued me from myself, you have opened my eyes again, you have opened my heart once again, I can't help loving you everyday, i know there are days when i can't function, but GOD you stepped in and took over and I surrender it all to you, Its a GOD like you that knows exactly what i need and desire, and you have always met me there, My life is in your hands, i am glad i can be me and not have to change, I don't have to change myself, I can change inside out for you, but I don't have to pretend or even fake, I can be as real as I am now, You don't care as long as my heart is yours.

Every breath i breathe i breathe in you, and i thank you for every breath you give me, for the days i get to live, and do much better, its because of your Grace and Mercy that i can do the things i need to do every day, I just ask LORD that you just help me to be a better Mother and wife and if there is anything that needs to change I pray that you just show up and quicken my spirit, and that you just talk to me and in your quiet voice i will know that i need to fix something, God I pray for those that don't know you or those who do, that they may come to the realization that they need you more and more, and that they can welcome you in once more and let you take complete control and not do there battles on there own. Lord teach us to be more passionette for you, and to love you the way you are patiently waiting and loving us, Thank you for being a sweet and amazing GOD for not pushing us, but quickeneing our spirits. for helping us to understand who you truly and really are. thank you!

Thank you Lord for dales job and our van for providing every need and always going one step further ahead of us, and taking care of us, thank you for always knowing what we need before we ask, You truly are an amazing GOD, we love and appreciate you!

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