Monday, June 14, 2010

My hearts desire

Jesus my desire is to know you more and more, My heart is burning with passion for you, I want to be able to show you my love and not let my hinderances get in the way of that, God you consume my everybeing, I want your arms to wrap around me and just engulf me with your love, I love the fact that you re mine, and that my walls are coming down and i have a passion for you, I just want to get in your face and just have you pick up my pieces and just put me back together, you know my inner and outer being, I don't have to prove myself to you, you love me and accept me and all my faults, you love me unconditionally, I want to just be in your presence all day, Your love surrounds me everyday, and i am so glad i have found you and that you care for me, Your love is so intense, and i just want to feel you like never before, I know God you are taking me thru a season, and i love the fact that you are in the center of my life and that you just want me to focus on you. Your love for me is more then i can explain. You set me free from my depressions you set me free from all my hurts and all i want is just be in your arms and just to feel your wings and your heart beat. I am tired of being someone i am not, Only you God are my one and most true friend, i dont'need anyone else to complete me, you O God do that enough, and i just want to be able to know when i am in the wrong, i want to know that when i make a mistake you quicken my heart, I want to be more and mor elike you, i want to be intregated into you, i want your heart, i want to see through your eyes, i want passion and love like yours, i want to love like you love, You are all i want to be and more. My heart cries freedom, Father break loose in me, and let me sense the thigns that aren't correct. I am your daughter, i am your vessel do with me what you want. I don't want a supernatural life i want a life that revolves around what you want from me, I want that light that people want and can't get enough of. I have the Victory and only you deserve all of my highest praise! My life and control is in your hands!

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