Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Strength and Shield

Father I love you, You lift me up higher then anything, When I feel like I can't go on in this world you are right there along side of me saying Daughter because of me you can do this, So I am so thankful for your encouraging words and that you are there right beside me holding me up and picking me up when I fall down, I am so thankful for you, I am so thankful that I have a great friend in you, When all of my other ones are busy, your just the one I want and need to chat with, You God alone are more then enough, You are my shield and my protector, You protect me from the enemy and I can count on you, you always know what to say, know how to help me, You are my rescue, you are my healer, You are my confidant, you are my best friend, you are my everything, you are more then enough, Day by day things may not always go according to what I want but you always are there and always are there helping me and showing me things, and leading me, You haven't left, I am so honored and full of passion for you, When all of my other friends desert me you, You are there, I can always count on you, YOu are my all in all, I don't lack anything when your on my side, I am so grateful for a Father who watches out for her daughter, And I am so so thankful for you!

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