Monday, April 18, 2011


Father Your my passion, I know that i have lost it for awhile, BUT GOD you have brought me back to you, you never ever ever leave me, Your always there when no one else is, When I feel betrayed or lonely or just feeling like all my friends are gone, Your the one that stays around for the long haul and I don't have to worry and be anxious for nothing, GOD you are my healing and my healer, I ask GOD that you would just heal my heart, that you will just open it up with just love and aderation for others and just love them like you do, and not worrying about what people think, Father your the one I want I am so sorry i let others or things get in the way of that, I just want to be loved on by you, I want you to just take me into your arms and just love me and just wrap yourself around me, and just engulf me in your love and your arms, I want to be in your presence I don't want it to end, Your my GOD and I just want you, I don't want anyone else, I want you and only you, This path i was on GOD i don't know why i was going down that way, BUT you can take me and fill me and use me to your glory, Lord shine your glory and light in my soul and pierce the darkness and let me feel free and i pray that the chains will start to fall off one by one and that your Light will forever take place of what once was darkness but now its going to a freedom for me. I will serve you, I don't want to think about my past, I just want to move onward and just want to go forward in you!

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