Thursday, April 21, 2011

You are Holy

Jesus You are Holy, Your Lord, I can't even express my heart adn my soul to you, Its never enough, But GOD your more then enough for me, I just want to embrace you with all of my being and never let go, I thank you Lord for you divine healing, Your my Healer and My Father, My daddy, My prize that I can't wait to look forward to. You lift me up where I need to be, Your teaching me and showing me things and your taking me on a whole new level in you, You are my reason to get up, Your my reason to breathe, Your name is higher the heavens!You created my inmost being you created me to worship you, i want nothing more then to do that, SO GOD equip my voice Father, I know that is one of my gifts that you have instilled in me, I know that its in there, Just help it to where it can grow, I know that your equipping me even now, I thank you Father for your teachings and for your little lessons and just showing me how to love and trust again, I pray GOD that thru everything that you will just protect me from others who try to hurt me, Or try to take advantage of me, But through it all I will have a place to run to, And that is you, I want to run into your arms and just hide and feel secure and safe, I want nothing but to hear your heart beat, I want to just get lost in your presence, I want to forever stay and never leave, Your my strong tower, My refuge, A place i can run into and feel safe, I seek your face and I just want to see you, I want a heart like yours, GOD just intergrate yourself into me, and Just do away with all the yuckies and just give me peace on certain situations, Your my dream and I love to worship you. Thanks for all you've done and going to do, Thanks for going to the beyond beyond my expectation and fulfilled every desire. I love you!

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