Monday, April 25, 2011


Lord Why am I so drained, are you trying to prepare me for something awesome? I want to just be your vessel and your tool to minister to others, and i want to be a blessing to many that need you and a friend, I am sorry for letting my flesh get in the way of what you want for me and the ones I come in contact with. Lord show me things in a whole new way, I just want to see you and your works and your face, I just want to be closer to you, I want to be able to breathe your air and hear your voice, I just want to bask in your grace and mercy, For I know they are new every morning, I know today is gone, BUt your grace and mercy have refreshed as the new day approaches, I thank you Father for another day, I am sorry Father for anything i may have done to not bring Glory to your wonderful and awesome name, I know when I hear your voice or enter in your presence I know everything is going to be ok, and there is a peace that is just so overwhelming and just knowing that your with me wherever i go, Your there, Your preparing a way for me, and your going to the beyond my beyond to meet me and to meet my expectations even before I ask of them i am just so blessed to be hidden in your arms and under your protection, Your my joy my happiness, I am so Blessed to have a an awesome GOD and Husband, and Daddy like you, Your Name silences those that need to be silenced, Your my sustance, my all in all, my ever present help in time of need, I am so thank ful that you rescued me and you set me free from my chains that you fought the devil and broke me free from him, I love you and that you also are watching over dale and Micah as well, your such a great protector of them. And I know that this future child will to be in your loving arms, i am receiving my healing and that you will be glorified once again, That you will show up and people will see that yes even me i can heal you, and that When asked if GOD listens the answer is yes, Because i know you hear me and you have my best interests and desires at heart, I love you!

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