Tuesday, January 1, 2013

It's time to wake up.

It's New Years and I promised God that I would spend more time with him and read what he wants me to see. Today as I was reading the word, I normally read a Proverbs a day and then either the New Testament or Old Testament, I decided to read Isaiah and it's pretty much saying the exact same thing as my Proverb of the day. People it's time to wake up and stop being lazy. God isn't playing anymore, we have gone on long enough not doing what we were called here on this planet to do. That is to win his souls, People we are on borrowed time, WE need to stop messing around and stop thinking that we don't have what it takes to stand up and take back what is rightfully ours. God isn't impressed with how we have just laid back and let the enemy win. If I remember correctly, HE HAS and WILL be defeated. SO why are we just letting him win? Why are we so afraid? Because in the word it says multiple times that there is no fear when you are in God, God is our refuge, our strength is in him. We are to ride up on wings like an eagle. We aren't to be complacent in this world, this world isn't our home and it's like we as christians have given up. WE NEED TO STOP LETTING THE DEVIL WIN. We need to take back what he has taken from us. God's not playing around and he's getting tired of waiting and holding off. What is it going to take for us to realize that he's the Almighty GOD and that he is powerful and that we don't have to lay back and just wait to die? We have eternity and a better home and we need to listen and stop ignoring his calling. There are so many people that are dying that don't even know him and they are going to hell because we are to afraid to witness. It's our duty as Christians to get those souls and win them, If I remember correctly we are sinners every day, but we have eternity, we have a way out. Jesus didn't just go to the cross just for us, HE went FOR ALL. and we need to stop blaming things on others. We need to take responsibility and be held accountable. Our nation is hurting right now and she's dying unless we stand up and fight for her. Jesus's return is so so so close and just because it's the New Year doesn't mean we repeat what we've been doing. I personally am done being angry, hurt, rejected. Because in the end God is the one I want to stand out for. I am tired of trying to be a person of the style or clique. I want to shine for Jesus, yes I know I may fall but I will get back up and continue. But if you want to sit back and watch this world die, Be my guest, BUT I WANT to fight for her and the ones that Jesus died for. You may say, WELL they don't deserve it, they chose to live that way, they chose to live the lives that they are living, YES you are right, BUT if we don't do anything to witness or be used or sit back and talk and judge then what right do we have? When Jesus died on the cross, he didn't say, well I will die for those that are really serious about me. NO he died saying FORGIVE THEM FATHER FOR THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY ARE DOING. His grace is sufficient and none of us deserve it. But he loves us ALL. I just want to be used and I am tired of just sitting by and seeing this world go to hell, I want to win as many as I can for him, I am tired of keeping quiet. I am a spokesperson for Jesus and I am not going to let some stupid devil keep me quiet. Because GOD is going to use me.

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