Thursday, September 6, 2012

Seasons in my Life

I don't know about you, but I have had many seasons in my life that are great and not so great, not so fun, but God said that they never would be, I just trust in Him that He knows what He's doing. I am a full time college student, also a wife, mother, friend and cashier....To think that I can do this, I am like are you nuts????LOL but God wouldn't have me go through this process, if He didn't think I could do it! I have been in school almost a month, and there isn't a day that doesn't go by that i am not thankful for Him and His presence in my days, Every time I wake up and get ready, I am tired and just want to sleep, I tell Jesus first and foremost, good morning, and I then let Him know He is welcomed in my day, and to give me strength and understanding to do what it is I need to do! I have a Pre Algebra test tomorrow, which I am really nervous about, Yes its a test, We all get tested in life, I studied, and still am studying, and I know because I have studied and am prepared that I will do fine, But in life its not that simple, you yes have to sometimes have to be prepared, but sometimes Jesus just pops some up on you and you have the choice to either Pray and ask Him to show you and direct you where you need to go, or you just pray that you pass, We all need to be prepared, either in a class setting or in life! Don't always assume that your going to get it the first time, trust me I know, I have had a mountain, that i have finally stepped over and not looking back, plenty of times! To many to count! I was told by a great friend that you vent, you talk about it till your healed! She's right! So in conclusion just don't ever doubt where you are, God has reasons why your going through the things your going through!

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