Wednesday, January 2, 2013


As I was taking my soon to be nine year old to school this morning, I had asked him if he had his shoes in his bag, We live in Iowa and got snow and he was all bundled up. He had his boots. He then informed me that no he didn't put his shoes in his bag, I had him get Everything rounded up and ready for school the night before. I told him that it's his responsibility to remember that. Well it makes me think the same thing as Christians. It's no one's responsibility but ours to read the word of GOD and to get to know him more and more, it's our responsibility to walk a Godly life and to not be complacement with the world. I have realized that I have for the longest time that I cared about what others thought if I witnessed a certain way, or if I was even making an impact on people. My whole goal is to please my GOD and if I am not then it's my responsibility to make sure I am. I can have accountability partners but they can't always make sure I am doing what I am supposed to do. I need to make sure I am the one who is doing what God has called me to do. I want to be a GOD changer and chaser, I don't want to sit back and just watch someone else get the blessing when I can be doing something about it. I want to change the world, I want to see lives changed. Sitting by and letting someone else isn't my way of changing it. I want to teach my son that it's ok to be different and that GOD loves us the way we are. I learned something recently that there is only one me, and that there are things that others can do that I can't or wasn't meant to do, and vice versa. My identity is in GOD and GOD alone. He knew what he was doing when he formed me. Psalm 139:13 says that he formed me in my mother's womb before she even knew I was in existance and he knew me before she did. That verse will get me every time, because he had me created for a reason. I have a purpose on earth and my purpose is to work for him and to change lives for him. I am responsible for myself, but I am mainly responsible and held accountable for what I do here on earth. When I am not doing what I was called to do, then I know that I need to change and do what I was supposed to do.

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