Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Seeking Approval from others

Why is it we are always wanting to seek approval from others? Why do we always yearn for that? I know I blogged this yesterday, But I am just curious, Why aren't we happy just knowing that GOD sees us worthy and that He sees acceptable enough? Galatians 1:10 Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of GOD? Or am I trying to please men? If i were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of GOD. This verse just gets me, Its like no matter HOW much GOD has done for us, WE are still yearning for that thing to fill the void in our lives, Things here on Earth will never be enough but our Father's Love should be more then enough, He's not left our sides, He has given us the will to choose Him or our own lives, But I have figured out that with out Him I am more incomplete and more lost then I have ever been! So why would I chose things rather then HIS love, I mean He sent His one and only Son to Hang and be beaten on the cross for me, So the least I can do is, Love HIM and choose HIM!!!! I mean I know He put things on Earth for us to enjoy, But in moderation, As long as we don't take our focus completely off of HIM, I mean think about it, Will that out fit please you, Will that Style be more important then what GOD wants, Is it really important to be a part of a cliq, and have favorites? Or is it important to love those that sometimes feel like that they don't belong? I know where I belong, and I don't need to be a part of a cliq to know where I fit in, and Who I belong to, But it is nice to have friends to talk to, to connect with, But if its going to be a problem to even try to fit in, then Why waste my time? Its like putting a square peg in a round hole, It just won't work, So why would I want to have friends like that, that don't accept and approve me flaws and all? They aren't worth my time and energy! I always wanted to be popular and fit in, But like I said yesterday, I am not meant to, I am meant to stand out, I was watching my son play at the splash pad, and I was telling my friend that, I can pick him out of a crowd any where, because he's my son, and GOD made only one of HIM, just like me GOD can pick me out of a crowd, HE made only one me, and I stand out to HIM, while I may not here, I am def. doing that in HIS sight, SO why in the world do I care so much about what people think about me? Why is it so important to me about being approved by those that clearly care less about how I am feeling and they do to a point! When all along GOD already approves of me, and He thinks more highly of me then any friend that say they are my friend, but Only out of convienence! When there other friends aren't available, I am highly worth and more valuable then anything! So in conclusion, Be the person that GOD created you to be, and Don't let peoples attitudes and favoritisms dicatate your calling! He already chose you, and He already picked you! Just focus on Who and What GOD wants you to be and the rest will fall into place!

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