Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Why is it so hard to be confident? Why is it a struggle to know that when you give yourself to GOD that you will know that in and thru Him your more confident then when you were? Because we allow the enemy to steal that from us, Lately I have been regaining mine back from for so long by allowing GOD to guide me and show me in what areas I need to change and fix, i know its not been perfect, But GOD has been helping me regain that! I know this is odd, But I have been wanting to do my hair and makeup because that is what makes me more confident, I am happy with who GOD designed and created me to be, But I want to look even more confident and if that means doing my hair and make up, well Hey that is awesome, I know that GOD doesn't look at the outer appearance but he looks at the inner part of me, But He loves me anyway. I just started reading A Confident Heart, and its not going to be easy, but I know that thru that book GOD is going to start revealing things that I need to work on! He said this journey would never be easy, but when we have our eyes on HIM, its going to be less complicated, then doing it with out his guidance! Its awesome knowing that He holds my every tear and my every dream and desire, to know that when the time is right He in HIS time will reveal it to me! Its like I am going on auto pilot some days, but in all reality I am not, He doesn't want to reveal what HE's doing all at once, He did that once and lets just say I couldn't physically handle it, SO He's going to start slow! He is an amazing GOD, I am so honored that I serve a GOD like HIM and that He is the one I always tend to run to! Lately I have been concerned with what my friends thought about me or how I looked, or what group i was with, Well Not any longer, Like the verse says Romans 12:2 Do not conform any longer to the Pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. then you will be able to test and approve what GOd's will is his good,pleasing and perfect will. I am starting to understand that, and to see that I no longer need to worry myself or my life with this, I need to just focus on what He's going to be doing in me, and who the people I come in contact with, He has me on a new path and a new season, and I don't need people to fulfill me any longer, yes the fellowship is nice having that relationship is nice, BUT the fulfillment and the approval is all I need and I am looking to my Heavenly Father for that. Its not going to be easy every day I may fall off but I know what to do when that happens,Cry out to GOD and ask for his help, He is my Shelter in a storm, and He protects me from the things of this world!Trust has always been an issue, BUT I know that when I fully and I mean fully release things over to HIM he can take me on a higher level then I have ever been on!

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