Monday, June 4, 2012


Why Am I always trying to strive to fitting in? When I already fit into God's kingdom, and He already accepted me? He doesn't care the kind of clothes and the way i do my hair or my ministry that I am, SO why am i so wanting to feel others acceptance? then in the long run getting hurt by them? I know the Bible says that I have been called by HIS name, I have been redeemed by HIM, and That I am HIS special chosen, That I belong to HIM, That I don't have to strive to fit into HIM he already loved me in the very beginning! I know we all long for that fellowship with others and we long to fit in, But i Have come to the realization that I have not been put in this world to fit in, I am here to stand out and Shine out for HIM, and that, I don't need to waste my time on those that are seriously into there selves and wanting to be popular, When all along i already was, GOD already sees me as who I was meant to be, And that is HIS special chosen, and that I am going to reach those that have felt the rejection and hurt and pain, That I am and have gone thru! I am HIS and that will never change, HE loves me unconditionally, and He will never leave my side, esp. when things get bad, or rocky! HE will always be there to catch me when I fall! I don't need a friend who just wants it to put stipulations on the friendship and I don't need someone to say well i will only be there as long as.....GOD is always there and will never ever put stipulations on our relationship, THATS not who HE is! HE loves unconditionally even when at times I don't deserve it, I know I am a big BRAT, but He chose me and He is using me! I have had friends who said that they would never go anywhere, but really they would say I would be there when it was convienent for them and when they weren't around there cliq, then I would be good enough to talk to, But GOD not once would do that, HE was and always there, to fellowship with and to talk with, and He is always guiding me and directing me! I never have to worry about that! I never have to feel abandoned when I am with HIM, He knows my heart and hears my pain and my loneliness, He's always around! It breaks my heart to see others go thru this, but I know that thru all this, I can say I know a person who will never be any of those, And that is GOD, HE sent His son to the Earth to feel all that, and HE never once gave up hope on any of us, HE loved us so much that HE died on the Cross so we can be redeemed by HIM! SO it is that very reason, THAT i haven't ever turned my back on GOD, because HE has been by my side thru thick and Thin and loved me no matter where and who and what I have done and came from! I am HIS daughter and HE loves me so much! ITS an overwhelming love that I just want to share with others! So when you feel alone, Just know that there is a GOD who would do anything for you, His son already paid your ransome, Never give up hope because HE's just waiting for you to call out to HIM!!! If I can go thru a an abused childhood,divorced home, rejection, hurt and still turn to GOD, then I know you can to!

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