Tuesday, June 12, 2012


I am so thankful for the Beauty that GOD has for me, I never lack in the things around me, The sky is like a canvas for Him to paint on, Everytime I look in the sky I am always amazed at how wonderful HE is, I think He just paints the sky just for me! I am just amazed how Much HE really really loves me, It took me walking away from a friendship to realize that! I love that I can open HIS word and just getting a piece of him, I can be closer to HIS heart that way, His love letter for me is awesome! The cares of this world and the people never stack up to what GOD is. He wants me, and not my abilities and not my talents, HE wants ME! As I am sitting here Pondering things, He just wants me to have an open and receiving heart for HIS unfailing LOVE, SOMETIMES I wonder what HE's doing, but that isn't for me to worry or concern myself, but to trust the process is a good thing! And to enjoy the ride! I look back on where I have been and where I was, and I can't believe that thru all that GOD is still pulling me thru, I am not done with this race, and I am continuesly trusting in HIM to get me thru! ITS not been an easy one, I have to had let some friendships go because that season was over, and I am in a new season! I am not hurt anymore or angry, just relieved that I don't have to struggle with trying to make them happy!That I can move forward in this thing called Life and be continueing my healing! 2Corinthians 3:17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Freedom! I am choosing to be free from all things in my life, I am choosing to let things go, I am choosing to Grow UP in GOD and move on! I am not going to be looking back! I believe that HE has something amazing for me, I am trusting that HE knows what he's doing! Lord My heart is open and ready, so do what you may in me! I am yours!!!!

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