Friday, December 9, 2016

Somethings are not in our control....

God I am your daughter and chosen!!
As I am sitting here and pondering things. I am reminded that I serve an amazing God.
Right now we are going through a lot of things and I know that God's word says in Philippians 4:13 that we CAN do ALL things Through Christ who Gives us strength.

I am still recovering from being sick and trying to get back on schedule with work, not to mention vehicle drama and now my poor husbands injured shoulder.

I know that God has destined me to be a nurturer and I wouldn't give it up. But there are days when I am feeling exhausted and just want to crawl in a hole and sleep. But I know that I can't. I have been serving my husband and taking care of his needs while he's not able to.

I learn from the best. My grandma did that for years with my Grandpa and she not once complained, she was the best caretaker, Maybe that was why I wanted to be a caregiver was because I had the best role model growing up. Not to mention my mom was always there too. Never complained or wished she could take the day off.

We as wives never get a day off. Right now we are in the for sickness or health part. Yes there are trying times where I just want to say FORGET IT, but then I remember my Heavenly Father not once has done that with me.

I know that my strength doesn't come from no other than Christ. I find great joy taking care and loving on others.

I was told once that I have the biggest heart and that TO NOT change. Because that is one of the best things about me. I care about people. Like Jesus does. If that means I am being more and more like him. Then I must be doing something right.

Word of Wisdom. YOUR not ALONE. Don't GIVE UP!!!

No Room This is a sweet song. Kind of where I am walking and the lyrics is pretty much on where I am with God. Listen to it. You will find encouragement in it.

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