Monday, May 9, 2011


So Today My emotions got the best of me, But in the middle of my feelings i did apologize i listened to your voice and backed down, I am sorry Father for not showing you and allowing my anger and frustration seep through, But thank you in all that you spoke to me to say I am sorry and to know that right away to check my spirit with you, Lord I don't want to ever let that happen again, I know that there are things that are going to trigger my emotions, GOD i need your help in controling that, I give it to you, I open my hands and wave it into the air and i leave it with you, Thank You Father for a great day with our friends, and Micah, I know that it was not to what I wanted, but it was perfect i guess for me, GIve me strength tomorrow, help me to sleep tonight, Protect us, Send down your guardian angels to protect us, and watch over us, And to also watch over dale and keep him safe, I pray Father that tomorrow will be full of new mercies and grace, Thanks for always giving me 2nd chances and for forgiven me where I feel inadequate or feel like I am the only one at times that makes mistakes, I love you. Be with my friendships in my life, Be with my conversations with people, Let my words be of encouragement and love, and not gossip. I love you!

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