Its time that we all are on alert, God isn't messing around with us anymore, either we give him all of us or not at all, he is looking for a pure and clean bride, He doesn't want to come back to a church that isn't' ready, either your ready or not, but he isn't going to be waiting for ever..
We are to reach out to those that haven't seen him or have even invited him in there lives we need to be fishing for his people and searching for those that need a savior. God i want to be one of those that is fishing God send me use me guide me direct me, I am not going to fight this battle alone, and I know we are at a war right now, and only you God can save us..
You are night and shining armor, you are our protector, you are the one who can do all things.. you are the one who can show us how to fight with your word. We are going to be prepared because you are our Teacher and our comforter....Right now we need you, Jesus You are more then enough, God we want you, I know there are some who think they can do with out you, But I am not one of those. You are what keeps me going, you are the one who gives me patience with things in my day and my life, You are the one who helps me be a great mother and wife. Jesus, Forgive things that I have done that hasn't brought Glory to you, Forgive me for allowing things in my life to take the place of you. I just want more and more of you..
Use me, Guide ME direct me, and just be My GPS system. I love you Jesus. You are the way the truth and the life.
I honor and adore you and you only. thank you for my family and my job my house my van a great husband that loves you and me, and for our son who is the JOY of my life, its all because of you i can get up and be his mother. thank you
I love you!!!!
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