Monday, August 30, 2010

How Long?

How long am I going to be barren? How much longer am I going to have to wait for that miracle once again? My heart longs for another baby, and all I want is to give a sibling to my son, How much longer am I going to have this longing for one? God I need you more and more, i long to know what your plans are for me, I know that you have my best interest at heart, and you know the desires of my heart, and you know me inside and out, and you love me, and you long for me,

I love you Father, You are so incredible to me, I just want to know WILL I EVER CONCIEVE AGAIN? cuz if not take this desire from me? and put me at rest and peace, But if not, God just give me a peace that passes all understanding, I know God that you are going to do some awesome things, I know people tell me its all in your timing, but those are the ones that have no problems getting pregnant, so they honestly can't seem to understand what I am going through let alone hurt and long for another baby, GOD what must I do?

What are you doing to me, what is that you want from me? what is that you need me to do?/ to get that baby you promised me.....You say your promises are yes and amen... I know i need to totally rely on and trust you and have faith that you know what your doing, Its just hard because I see all these ladies who aren't married getting pregnant and either killing them, or putting them up, or there are some married women who pop them out left adn right and here I am struggling and even considering giving it up. SO WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME? What do you want me to do? I just need to know?

Thank for the son you have given me, he is my world besides you and Dale, but I love him, I know I am not perfect when it comes to raising him, but i atleast care and love him and take what he says to heart. Just show me what I need to do differently and how to be a better parent...

I am asking and trusting and putting my whole faith in you. Thank You for providing for us, and taking good care of us. and for always knowing before we even ask what to say or do for us. so thanks. I know everything is in your hands and you have everything under control...

Is that it? you want me to give CONTROL OVER to you? because i will do that, I don't want to think about or even worry about this anymore, ITS IN YOUR HANDS.. i give it to you and I DON"T WANT TO PICK IT BACK UP!!!! I praise you Father for you are truly amazing and my healer and my establisher. thank you God for always having our best interests at heart. I WILL GET PREGNANT AGAIN, i am standing on your promise and your word, I am going to put my Faith and Trust in you.

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