Sunday, December 4, 2016

Being a Mother

Being a mother isn't always an easy thing. If I look back to when I became a mother I would say that I can do this. I still can. But now that our son is almost 13 I am like. Can't I go back to when he was a baby?

I have noticed a lot of personality from him and sometimes its enjoying to see him become his own person. But like today I had to play the MEAN MOM card.

On our way home from church a kid from church was being a bit ornery to Micah I didn't this out to later that he wasn't being very nice to him. At the time I didn't know what  and why he was not responding and being very disrespectful. I was just making normal conversation and HE didn't want to have anything to do with me.

His dad finally said "Your MOTHER IS talking to you." He's like I HAVE RIGHTS and I DON'T want to answer. SO the whole way home I finally said FINE, You can lose privileges for being disrespectful. 

SO I played the MEAN MOM took away his lifelines. TV and TABLET. Now don't get me wrong HE'S a good kid. Just needs some redirecting from time to time. SO do we as adults and Christians.

IN church we are learning to TRUST and rely more on GOD and that we are NEVER ALONE. As we age we feel like we are at times.
Even if we have mentors or special friends. OUR lives get busy and sometimes we forget about the ones we love.

I know that GOD will never ever forget about us. Jeremiah 29:11 is an amazing verse I always go back to, because it talks about how God knows the plans he has for us. To give us a hope and a future.
I am so thankful for an amazing Father who wants nothing more than to be close to me and I have to remember I AM NOT PERFECT. I can't always have it all together.

Things have been changing a lot for me this past year and I see that the hand of GOD has always and always will be in and on my life. I just need to trust him and those that he puts in my life.

I love being a mother to an amazing soon to be teenager. I am learning to be patient and offer more grace each day. Does that mean I should give in and let him have his things back even when he needs to learn to communicate without the attitudes and this ITS MY RIGHT thing?

I do offer him grace and I also love him enough to discipline and raise him the way God would like me too.
SO if you are reading this, KNOW that you are not a failure and know that no matter what your facing. JESUS loves you and always want to be near his children and will always be there to offer you that same grace and forgiveness. NOTHING and NO ONE will take him and his love from  you.

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