Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Lord I just want to pray for you, I want my prayers to be lifted to the Heavens and you would just open up the skies and just dump your grace and anointing on me, I know that your hiding me for a purpose,I know I have a purpose in you, I am your Daughter and i am forever yours, I receive you GOD as my Healer, my conqueror, My friend, My Best friend, I am redeemed thru your Blood, I am Your chosen, I am your Princess, I know You love me, I love that you watch out for me, I want nothing more but to be close to you, I want nothing more then to feel your arms wrap around me, My identity is in you, My countence belongs to you, I give you all that i am, i have a burning desire to pray, i just need to have you guide me in what it is you want, i want to know and do the things for what you called me to do, I want to be used for your glory, I want to be open and receipent to what it is you want to do in my life, My heart is all yours, i want to be willing to be open and willing to be obedient to what you called me to be, i have an identity in you, You are more then enough for me, You are my sustance, i my strength, when I feel like I can't go on, Your there to lift me up, your there to show me and guide me in ways I can't understand, You are my Savior, My GOD my all in all, my rescuer, My knight and shining armor, I thank you for the blessings you put in my life, I thank you for the friends and people you have put in my life, to speak life into me, I thank you for always being there and showing me that I am not alone, That I have one true friend and that is you, I want more and more of you, I don't want to lack anything, I want all it is you want me to have, My Heart and Soul cry out for more and more, i am sorry i was off for a while but GOD you can restore what was lost and Your my refresher, Your my GPS guide when i feel I can't find my way, You seem to always know exactly how to help me get back to you. Thank YOu Father for always being there and helping me understand that not everything will be the way i want it, but You are in control of my life.
I praise you Jesus for you are my friend and my Best friend, and when men fail, Your always there on the sidelines waiting patiently for me to come back to you! I thank you for that!

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