Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Waiting Patiently

God I am forever waiting Patiently to where you may send us, We Want what you want for us, we don't want to do this unless it has you written all over it,and the doors are open. God we want to reach out to those who need you. God we are your beacons of light and we are your Servants we want to do what ever you want us to.

GOD SEND US TO THE PLACE WE NEED TO GO!!!! We thank you that you are doing some awesome things in our lives and that you are getting us ready for an awesome journey in you. You oh God are our Shephard and we want to follow you. Its not about us, but about you.

God we surrender to you and everything that is in our hands are yours.

Thank You Jesus!

Monday, July 26, 2010

A New Season

As I sit here and wonder what is going to happen next in my walk with you, I feel as though i hit a new season in you. I feel as though I am on hold or you are just testing my faith and love for you. God I will never ever feel any different, I just want to be consumed in you, I want to sense you and your consuming fire. I feel lost with out you, I feel as though you are so far away and so distant from me, I just want to know you are right beside me following me holding my hand and telling me every thing is going to be ok.

God what is that you want from me, or for me? what is it truly you have set for me? I want what ever you want for me, I give all my desires and wants into your hands, I don't want my will that i want but i want what ever it is you want for me, God i am your humble servant and your vessel. I will do what ever you ask of me, I will sacrifice what ever needs to sacrificed, If its another child to have me give up then i will do it, I want what ever you desire for my life, and my family. You are most welcome to be the center of my Marriage, and my parenting and my life. I give you control.

I love you Father, You are Magnificent in all aspects of my Life, and I adore you< i stand in awe of you, I love and worship only you. I Love you always, You are my Father God, you are my Daddy, I praise you for you made me, I gave up my life for you. Now Father just rain your blessings up on us. and just give me strength and faith to stand on what you have promised for us.

you have given us a hope and a future, so Father i am asking and waiting patiently for what you have in store. open up the doors we are to go through, I don't want to feel as though i have no clue what your doing. I love you Jesus!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I am Free.

I am free in you, You broke the chains off of my life and you wiped my slate clean i am new in you. For you are my God, you set me free. I no longer have to worry and live in the past. I am living in the present and future that you have prepared for me and gone ahead and taken care of things.

I am lost in you. I sense everything that you have and more. I just want to admire who you are. My shackles have been ripped off, and you have provided a way to you. You love me unconditionally and you love me for who i am and not what i am.

You love me regardless of my past. and you are pruning away the parts that no longer need to be present. God i am asking that you do away with the little Raven and replace her with a new grown up that loves you and just wants to be in you all day. and a new Raven that has a love for you and love for her husband and her son and future children. Shine your light where darkness once was. Show her that she no longer has to be afraid that you are her savior. What the enemy meant for harm and hurt you are turning into your Love and purity. I pray God that she will know that you love her and that she no longer has to be afraid of love and rejection, that you once were and still by some are rejected. but you love them anyway.

Give her a better life and let her know its ok to go. I know it hurts to say good bye, but God you can take better care of her. and she can rest assure and know she is safe in you. and the enemy no longer has any ties to her. I pray Father that she can be set free and stay in the arms of your love and peace adn freedom.

I pray Father as the new older Raven steps in place that you will just show her and guide her in the direction she is suppose to go. and Let her know that she is the women she is suppose to be. and not worry about changing for anyone but you. That its time for her to step up and be a wife and mother and stop waiting for others to tell her, but she should know that and know that you are savior. God just help her to fully rely on you and trust on you.

and when things don't go the way they should that you would just pick up those pieces and show her that she isn't meant to go at it alone. but with your help and guidance
Break her free from her old ways and old life, and help her to intergrate into the woman of God you have set her apart to be.

I give you permission Adult Raven to come in and take lil raven's spot. you are free lil raven, i am no longer after today going to worry and fall apart as a little girl but i am going to be a new person and i am going to be the mom and wife Jesus has called me to be. All my hurts and frustrations from my past are to remain and God is going to replace that with the new Raven and she is going to not look back and wonder what she could have done to fix things but she is going to look forward at the new things that Jesus is going to show her and direct her to do.

Thank you Jesus. this is a painful transition but i know that you are doing some awesome things in me, and I can't wait for you to show me what they are. I am yours to do with as you want, Mold me into what you want me to be. I love you Father!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

I am lost in you

Father i am lost in you, all i want to do is sit and listen to worship and sing to you, and read your love letters to me, and just bask in you all day, i don't ever want to leave, i just want to just rest in you. You are my love and my kindness, I love you Jesus, you reign for ever in me,

Oh Majesty show me your face and your kindness, I want to forever rejoice in you. I don't care what this world throws at me, All i want is to know you are there helping me get through it all, I put my total faith and trust in you.

Poor out your heavens on me oh God, You Oh Lord are Majestic in everything you do and are.You love me, and i love you, I am lost in you and your love and mercy, Rain down on me, i want to feel your presence all over i want to be dripping wet Lord, You are my sustainer in life, you know how to pick me up and show me what things need to change and you envelope me with your love, and comfort and peace. I love you Father.

Hillsong - At the Cross - With Subtitles/Lyrics

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Heart breaking!

Father why is my heart breaking, who am i to pray for? who is it that needs prayer?
God i want to be interceding for someone, why am i so sad and hurting?

You God know why? i don't seem to understand fully, I am broken before you, I don't want to be like those every day christians and putting on a mask then turn around and be someone i am not.

I am all for you and real. i don't want to be fake, i know there a lot of those people right now, and i don't want to be one of those. Jesus where there is sadness i pray God that you just fill it with your Joy unspeakable Joy, Surround me with your love and happiness, you are my hope and security.

I just need you and just need to be in your presence and just to sense your Spirit and Love around me.
You are my Father and my daddy and my protector and i love you. I love you so much. Just give me peace and help me to be still in you. Father with this church thing, I pray Father that you just open up the right doors, and help us to turn to you and continue to trust that you know what your doing, that its all in your timing.

Father I know that its getting closer and closer. You know what we need, and you know what will fit us, so I pray God that you just show us the way and Guide us where you want us to go. and help my husband to not get discouraged and help me and him search for you even more together and know that you are in this and that you are in the center and that what ever decision we make we make with you and each other THank Father I can come to you and you listen and hear the desires of our hearts. you always know whats best.

I love you Father. help us to be patient as we prepare for ministry!

Saturday, July 3, 2010


Jesus you are my hearts desire, I only want what you want for my life, You are in control in my life, You are life, You are in control of what goes on in my life, I only want whatever your will is for me, I love that I don't know my future that you uphold it in your hands, and that You love me to keep it a mystery from me. I love that you love me with an everlasting love, I am so content in with my life right now, I am not content with just a little you, I want more then my heart can bear,

Lord I just sometimes need a reminder of who you are in me and what you want for me, You are loving and patient with me and my growing and even though it hurts to prune and get rid of all the yuckies from me, I just want it to be done and chiseled away when you want, Father I don't want to rush the process, I know God the things you are doing in my life is in your perfect timing.

I don't ever want to forget what you have in store. I don't ever want to forget that its YOUR WILL, not mine. I know when i am weak, You will never ever leave my side, when i can't go anymore, you are on the sidelines cheering me on , and you have been and always will be the one who will never leave. I can always put my totally faith and trust in you and what you are doing for me!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

God’s Chisel « Videos « The Skit Guys

God’s Chisel « Videos « The Skit Guys

Hear us from Heaven

Lord open the blind eyes and the deaf ears, we want to see you Jesus, You are all we asking for and we want a new revelation and we want you to touch our generation, I am crying out Father revive us, send us your spirit and unlock the hearts of those who are putting up walls and i pray God that you just break through and mend the hurting, I Father am humbling before you and want to be set free in all areas of my life. You are my Father and I can't live with out knowing you are going to be there. My whole being is in to who you are. and i can't live with out God you are my whole essance of my being,

You designed me and you are chisling away every part and getting to the core of the real me, I don't want anything more or less, all i want is you Father you are all i need.

I don't want to be away from what you have called me to be, you are my whole reason i get up, you give me new mercies everymorning. and i can't help but just praise you, Yes i am sometimes tired. but God in my tiredness you give me strength and energy.
Fill me to my core and just help me to be a better person in you. I want to have the Light so i can shine it in the darkness. You are my light, you God shine it and pierce thru the darkness, thank you for setting me on fire for you. I don't want to ever loose sight of you and who you really are.

I love you Jesus!